WinForms Controls


Collection of .NET Windows Forms controls for WinForms application.
Named as CodeArtEng.Controls.dll



  • Command Line Helper
  • Labeled Text Box
  • Hinted Text Box
  • Multi-Line Button
  • Status Label
  • Open File Panel and Folder Browse Panel
  • MRU (Most Recent Used File List)
  • File Explorer Control
  • Quick Access List
  • Rich Text Box Editor

Features Description

Command Macro Editor

Input editing dialog inspired by Visual Studio "Edit Pre-Build" and "Edit Post-Build" Dialog...
(Learn More...)

Command Line Helper

Generate and parse command line with command line helper. (Learn More...)

Labeled Text Box 

Text box with label and hint, derived from Hinted Text Box.

Hinted Text Box 

Enhanced version of WinForms TextBox with capability to show hint in gray color text.

Multi-Line Button 

Button control with optional image and 2 lines of text, main and sub title. Each line can be configured using different font and size as well as spacing between both lines. Button's style can be choose between square and rounded rectangle.

Status Label 

A text label with colored bullet. Choose between grey, yellow, green, and red from "State" property.
Ideal for status reporting.

Open File Panel and Folder Browse Panel

Controls added to easily implement file and folder selection. (Learn More...)

MRU (Most Recent Used File List) 

ToolStripMruList easily add Most Recent Used (MRU) list to your .NET Windows Forms Application in ToolStrip and MenuStrip. (Learn More...)

File Explorer Control 

.NET File explorer control written in C#. Can be use to explore folder and files in local driver / remote server. (Learn More...)

Quick Access List

Automatic generate drop down list from files in folder (Learn More...)

Release Note

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